Chinese herbal medicine is the other most important modality of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese Herbal Medicine takes a holistic approach to understanding the normal function and disease processes of the body. It focuses on restoring the body’s balance and preventing illness.
Herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years, not only by the Chinese medicine culture, but cultures all over the world. It still remains a fundamental element of treatment in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Chinese herbs are used to restore balance and strengthen the immune system. There are over 400 commonly used herbs, most of which are from stems, roots, barks, flowers, twigs, fruits, sap of plants, animal parts, shells, insects and minerals. Our clinic is dedicated to protecting wildlife and does not use any endangered, banned or extinct products from Australia or China.
Chinese herbal medicine and tonics are very effective and can help you feel different in a matter of days. At Elements of Life, your formula is customized to your individual needs. Our herbs are also very convenient to use. We offer our herbal medicine in pill and dissolvable granulated form, and liquid form by request. These formulas are easily absorbed into the body and just as effective as the traditional brewing of raw herbs.
Price List
Initial Consultation | $120 |
Return Consultation | $60 |
Herbal Powder / Liquid Extract (Weekly Supply) | $48 – $60 |
Patent Herbal Pills (per bottle) | $15 – $40 |